Thursday the 21st
Sep 20
Sep 22

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

Political Education Reading Series-

The Poli Ed Working Group is starting a new series of readings for this Fall/Winter, on the third Thursday of each month. At each session we'll talk about a something meaty (usually a book), but we'll also cover something that will take less time to consume (an article, movie, or video).  If you have the time to read everything, then great! However, if you're pressed for time and can only look at the smaller subject, that's fine as well. Even if you don't get a chance to do the reading, you should still come by and take part in the conversation.

These are hybrid meetings. We'd love to see you in person, but you can also Zoom into the meeting with this link:   https://dsausa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuduirqDoqG9KmhfqjZH24APH_uSTkydU_

We kick off on Sept. 21, with a socialist classic that you may have read, but one that definitely repays re-reading: Marx and Engles' The Communist Manifesto (1848). We'll also discuss a short articl​e on "Ur-Fas​cism" by Umb​erto Eco.

Make Entergy Pay Campaign Meeting!-

Join us to plan taking back control over our power! Zoom link here