
Events This Week

Jan 15
Chapter Orientation
Come learn about DSA, our chapter, what we're engaged in and how you can plug in to the work.  A better world is possible! Join us to make it happen.

Register for the Zoom meeting here: us02web.zoom.us/​meeting/​register/​tZApfuurpzwq​HdOJQMJ2vX6Z​dq06R95qWapX
Jan 17
Political Education Committee - Reading Series
The Poli Ed Working Group will return for the Spring Reading Group (SRG24) on the third Thursday of each month. Stay tuned to this space for updates as we plan it out, or better yet join us at our planning meetings and help us pick out the next batch of readings.  The world is run by those who show up!  

These are hybrid meetings. We'd love to see you in person, but you can also Google Meet into the meeting with this link: meet.google.com/​tkr-jdis-whb
Parish Hall Offices, 2533 Columbus St, New Orleans, LA 70119, USA
Jan 18
General Meeting
Join our monthly chapter-wide meeting, where we’ll hear updates on organizing efforts, and take up formal business and make collective decisions about the political work we are doing. These meetings are open to all. Aren’t a member? You can sign up to join us here! Prefer to meet online? Register here!
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